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Day 1 – Managing our natural capital: the next decade
Posters and exhibition all day
09:30-10:00 Registration and coffee
10:00-12:00 Opening keynotes – Setting the challenge (Chair: Prof. Alison Hester, James Hutton Institute) – Talks with Q&A and panel discussion
Welcome and introductions by Prof. Alison Hester, Natural Capital Initiative
Prof. Ian Boyd, Chief Scientific Advisor, Defra
Prof. Kathy Willis CBE, Professor of Biodiversity, University of Oxford
Ben Combes, Project Director for the AI for the Earth initiative, PwC
12:00-13:00 Lunch and networking
13:00-14.30 Parallel sessions 1
Artificial Intelligence for improving natural capital management and decision support
Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and IPBES
Session information
Key issues and future challenges for environmental governance
Middlesex University London & The James Hutton Institute
Session information
Valuing nature – what works? What we have learned from the Valuing Nature Programme
Valuing Nature Network
Session information
Implementing Wholescapes guidance; challenges and opportunities to reconnect policy and people from land to sea
University of Liverpool and Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Session information
14:30-15:00 Coffee break
15:00-16.30 Parallel sessions 2
Pioneering natural capital approaches in the marine environment
Marine Management Organisation
Session information
Valuing nature beyond economics: structures for sustainability
University of Winchester
Session information
It’s not fair: reducing urban health inequalities through better management of natural capital
Natural England
Session information
Integrated natural capital approaches for land managers
The James Hutton Institute, supported by AECOM and the Natural Capital Coalition
Session information
16:30-17:30 Speed talks (Chair: Prof. Paula Harrison, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology)
– We Value Nature – the new normal for business, Paul Mahony, Oppla
– Delivering a Natural Capital Approach in Greater Manchester, Krista Patrick, Greater Manchester Combined Authority
– Challenges of implementing the nature connection-wellbeing-health nexus, Frances Harris, University of Hertfordshire
– Adding a new dimension – integrating heritage into natural capital, Hannah Fluck, Historic England
– The Conservation Right – a new property right for natural capital, Jaime Ubilla, Conservation Right Foundation
– Exploring the application of Natural Capital Protocol in land-based business and regional Ecosystem Accounts, Paola Ovando Pol, The James Hutton Institute
17:30-18:30 Drinks reception
18:30- Conference dinner
Day 2 – Natural capital in practice
Posters and exhibition all day
09:00-10:00 Opening keynotes – Drilling down (Chair: Ruth Waters, Natural England) – Talks with Q&A
Prof. Melanie Austen, Head of Science, Plymouth Marine Laboratory
Tim Sunderland, Principal Specialist in Economics, Natural England
Dr Rebecca Lovell, Research Fellow, European Centre for Environment and Human Health
10:00-10:30 Coffee break
10:30-12:00 Parallel sessions 3
Delivering biodiversity AND environmental net gain using the natural capital approach – Practical Implementation
Arcadis and WSP
Session information
Marine natural capital accounting within the UK, its Overseas Territories and the Commonwealth
Joint Nature Conservation Committee
Session information
How do we quantify the benefits of urban greenspace and natural capital to health?
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine with University College London
Session information
Implementing a natural capital approach across local to regional scales: the importance of context
Natural Capital Solutions and Ecosystem Knowledge Network
Session information
12:00-13:00 Lunch and networking
13:00-14:30 Parallel sessions 4
Advancing and integrating methods for natural capital monitoring and assessment across the UK
Scottish Natural Heritage and the UK Environmental Observation Framework
Session information
(How) can marine protected areas deliver both conservation and socio-economic benefits?
Institute for European Environmental Policy
Session information
Combining Forces on natural capital
Natural Capital Coalition
Session information
Theatre workshop: Nature in Action
Bond Ambition
Session information
14:30-15:00 Coffee break
15:00-16:00 Closing panel
Chair: Prof. Louise Heathwaite CBE, Lancaster University
Prof. Mark Rounsevell, Professor of Land Use Change at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology/Co-chair of Regional Assessment for Europe and Central Asia, IPBES
Prof. Bridget Emmett, Head of Soil and Land Use Research, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Mark Gough, Executive Director, Natural Capital Coalition
Rebecka Bergh, Natural Capital Communications, Scottish Natural Heritage
Read more about our keynote speakers and panellists