Martina Girvan, Arcadis & Jenny Merriman, WSP

Given existing and emerging UK policy, it is important that industry be prepared to implement biodiversity and environmental net gain in development projects of varying sizes. The session will discuss how advances in natural capital science and policy are being practically implemented within developments to maximise natural capital value and demonstrate biodiversity net gain.

Speakers will present the challenges and lessons learnt from a number of case studies that have used the natural capital approach to deliver biodiversity and environmental net gain in terrestrial development planning projects, including the use of metrics within the design and planning process. The presentations will be followed by an “Ask the expert” session where a series of experts will move around small groups who can delve deeper into practical implementation.



Martina Girvan headshot  Brandon Murray headshotArcadis logo

  • Dr Martina Girvan, Technical Director, Ecology and Natural Capital, Arcadis
  • Brandon Murray, Principal Ecologist, Arcadis

Jenny Merriman headshotWSP logo

  • Jenny Merriman, Natural Capital Technical Lead, WSP

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