Paola Ovando, The James Hutton Institute, supported by AECOM and Marta Santamaria, Natural Capital Coalition

This session highlights the use of natural capital thinking and approaches in different sectors from a policy and practical perspective. The session will comprise short oral presentations that combine conceptual reflections on bringing private and social objectives together into land decision-making, and case studies that illustrate how natural capital assessment, valuation and accounting approaches can inform decision- and policy-making. Case studies include natural capital approaches by Yorkshire Water, the Scottish Government, the Crown Estate Scotland, the Lifescape project and the Black Mountains Land Use Partnership.

The session will focus on the following two questions: (1) How can natural capital accounting approaches be operationalised to inform, support, and coordinate sustainable private and public sector land use decision-making? (2) How can public national accounting and private sector assessments on natural capital be more transparent and integrated?

Materials from the session:


  • Gordon Rogers, Head of Sustainability of Yorkshire Water
  • Chris Dodds, Head of Environment and Rural Analysis Unit, Scottish Government
  • Hannah Whyte, Policy and Planning Manager, Crown Estate Scotland
  • Chris White, Principal Environmental Economist, AECOM
  • Charles Russ, Principal Environmental Consultant, AECOM


This session is scheduled for Day 1, 21 May 2019, 3pm-4.30pm.

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