Tom McKenna, Scottish Natural Heritage & Lisa Norton, Centre for Eology & Hydrology
Assessing and measuring change in natural capital at a national level is vitally important for sustainable development. A wide variety of approaches have been taken by the devolved administrations and the Office for National Statistics. The session will explore these approaches across England, Scotland, Wales and the whole of the UK, including a discussion of the benefits and issues associated with each of them. Observed data on the status and trends in natural capital is vital for all approaches, and hence the session will also focus on the future direction of natural capital monitoring within the UK.
The session kicks-off with short presentations from the Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Joint Nature Conservation Committee, Office for National Statistics, Natural England, Scottish Natural Heritage and Natural Resources Wales. Through an interactive session with participants we then aim to understand wider views about natural capital monitoring, in particular, where gaps, opportunities and threats to natural capital monitoring exist.
A new leaflet, produced in 2019 by the UKEOF community (UKEOF Natural Capital Working Group), aims to share knowledge and best practice for incorporating existing environmental monitoring into a natural capital management approach. It provides a general introduction to natural capital, an overview of current work on assessing natural capital assets across the UK and, using three case studies, shows how current monitoring schemes have been adapted for use in natural capital assessment. Read more
Read more about the session in UKEOF news
- UK Environmental Observation Network by Lisa Norton, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
- Natural England’s Natural Capital Indicators Project by Jane Lusardi, Natural England
- Scotland’s Natural Capital Asset Index by Tom McKenna, Scottish Natural Heritage
- National Natural Capital Accounting by Adam Dutton, Office for National Statistics
- Assessing the sustainable management of natural resources in Wales by Russell Elliot, Natural Resources Wales
This session is scheduled for Day 2, 22 may 2019, 1pm-2.30pm.