The dialogue

A solutions-focussed workshop to discuss flood management approaches that utilises and benefits our natural capital.

Researchers, policy and business decision-makers came together to explore;

  • Is the emerging ecosystems-based approach enough? Will there always be a need for “backstop” hard engineering? Can either approach do the job alone?
  • What can be done to maximise the role of natural capital and its contribution to improving the effectiveness of flood risk management?
  • How can research, regulation, policy-making, business, and the land owning and land appreciating communities support the adoption of these practices?

Hosted by the British Library

Chaired by Professor Tim O’Riordan Emeritus Professor of Environmental Sciences at the University of East Anglia.

Speakers & presentations


Envia is a new service being developed by the British Library to improve the discovery and access of environmental science information.

It is a free online resource, which collates and curates important ‘grey literature’ and disparate resources such as reports from government departments and agencies, PhD theses and data resources. It is designed to help researchers and practitioners find information, saving time and money. Users are connected to full-text content, downloadable either directly from Envia or on an external websites.

The initial content focus for Envia is flooding related, and will be expanded to related subject areas in the future.

In April 2013, the Library began Beta testing Envia and they are looking for your feedback.


Summary Report of the meeting is now  available.