Gapital gains

A new report from the Natural Capital Initiative celebrates 10 years of collaborations in the effort to rethink how society values the natural world. In 2009 the American ecologist and evolutionary biologist Guy McPherson said: “If you think the economy is more important than the

October 30th, 2019|NCI|

Can voluntary conservation bring permanent gains?

The UK government is introducing conservation covenants in the upcoming Environment Bill. Minna Hartikainen from the Natural Capital Initiative delves deeper into the promise and pitfalls of voluntary conservation. David Bower, an influential conservationist with the Sierra Club, said about the conservation movement that “our

September 18th, 2019|NCI|

NCI summit 2019 photos

June 6th, 2019|NCI|

NCI summit 2019 sessions

If you missed a workshop or panel discussion during the summit, you can read the session summaries and revisit some of the presentations here. Day 1 - Parallel sessions Artificial Intelligence for improving natural capital management and decision support Centre for Ecology & Hydrology and

June 6th, 2019|NCI|

Key issues and future challenges for environmental governance

Hosted by Meri Juntti, Middlesex University London & Kerry Waylen, The James Hutton Institute Natural capital and ecosystem services have gained huge traction in research and literature in the last decade, and are now beginning to inform policy and planning. The focus on natural capital

April 30th, 2019|NCI|

10 years of natural capital dialogue

A time to remember and to act The Natural Capital Initiative is celebrating its 10th anniversary at the Valuing our Life Support Systems 2019 summit in May. Laura Bellingan from the Royal Society of Biology reflects on 10 years of natural capital dialogue and explains why more

April 9th, 2019|NCI, NCI event|

Theatre workshop: Nature in Action

Arts-led workshop to communicate the values of nature Alexandra Bond Burnett, Bond Ambition This 90-minute workshop will use performance techniques used by actors to cultivate an empathetic approach to communication. Participants will discover how theatrical work helps build relationships and connections with the emotions behind

February 13th, 2019|NCI|