External reports

Making WAVES

WAVES – the Wealth Accounting and the Valuation of Ecosystem Services partnership led by the World Bank, recently held its sixth annual meeting where it celebrated an important milestone – the implementation of natural capital accounting in its first five core countries; Botswana, Colombia, Costa

June 25th, 2016|External reports, Policy, Science|

Ecosystem Services & Biodiversity

Last week, Science for Environment Policy published an in-depth report on Ecosystem Services and Biodiversity, which explores a range of issues including the evidence on whether an ecosystem approach succeeds in protecting biodiversity; mapping techniques of the state of ecosystems and their services and how

May 16th, 2016|External reports, Policy, Science|

How to Lead the Way on Earth Observation

A focus of NERC Policy Fellow with the Natural Capital Initiative and Royal Society of Biology James Borrell 's work with us was analysing the current state and future directions of natural capital monitoring. Before he returns to his PhD thesis he shares his views

July 24th, 2015|External reports, Science|

A Framework for Reporting Environmental Information & Natural Capital

This week, a new framework for reporting environmental information and natural capital was published by the Climate Disclosure Standards Board (CDSB). James Borrell, NERC Policy Fellow with the Natural Capital Initiative attended the launch at the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, and

June 9th, 2015|Business, External reports|

New systematic review of marine and coastal ecosystem services now available online

An IES-authored paper that systematically reviews and summarizes existing scientific literature related to marine and coastal ecosystem services (MCES) with the aim of extracting and classifying indicators used to assess and map them is now available online in the journal PLOS ONE.

July 4th, 2013|External reports, Science|

IUCN set criteria for new ‘Red List’ of endangered ecosystems

The International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) published its criteria for a new "Red List" of endangered ecosystems today in the journal PLOS ONE. The list measures an ecosystem's risk of collapse, taking inspiration from the group's influential Red List of Endangered Species, which created internationally

May 8th, 2013|External reports, Science|

WBCSD produce guide to help business decision-making on ecosystem services

The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD) has published a new guide Eco4Biz – Ecosystem services and biodiversity tools to support business decision-making. It gives an overview of existing tools and approaches to help companies answer core questions on how to measure, manage and mitigate

April 19th, 2013|Business, External reports|