Richard Gunton, University of Winchester

This session explores ways in which different human values underpin natural capital conversations, and offers tools to help build such values into institutional cultures, governance structures and policy development. It looks at the values that are implicit or explicit in natural capital accounting, as well as the dangers of over-reliance on monetisation.

Introductions to tools and case studies from the Centre for the Evaluation of Complexity Across the Nexus (CECAN) research programme are followed by open-floor discussion about management practices, policy initiatives and governance systems that reflect the actual values of diverse stakeholder groups.

A pluralistic framework for recognising the values in natural capital accounting by Richard Gunton, University of Winchester

• Ian Christie, University of Surrey/CECAN
• Richard Gunton, University of Winchester/CECAN
• Sam Healy, QinetiQ
• Adam Hejnowicz, University of York, CECAN

This session is scheduled for Day 1, 21 May 2019, 3pm-4.30pm.

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