Monthly Archives: July 2015

How to Lead the Way on Earth Observation

A focus of NERC Policy Fellow with the Natural Capital Initiative and Royal Society of Biology James Borrell 's work with us was analysing the current state and future directions of natural capital monitoring. Before he returns to his PhD thesis he shares his views

July 24th, 2015|External reports, Science|

Valuing Natural Capital: Futureproofing Business and Finance. Book review.

Most businesses still don't fully understand their dependency on the natural environment. James Borrell, NERC Policy Fellow with the Natural Capital Initiative, read Dr Dorothy Maxwell's new guide that takes on the challenge to explain current thinking on natural capital to business leaders, and calls the C-Suite

July 10th, 2015|NCI|

Natural Capital: Beyond National Capital

Are we considering international implications and ethical considerations enough when talking about natural capital? Peter Spooner offers some food for thought after attending the ‘Valuing our Life Support Systems’ report last week. As a student of earth/ocean science, I have some background in the concept

July 3rd, 2015|NCI|