You can download our programme outline here. Please come back for the full programme soon.
During two days of informative talks, interactive workshops and challenging Q&As, we will create genuine dialogue between people from different sectors and backgrounds on current themes that capture our imaginations to create real change. Our aim is to inspire and enthuse people across sectors to work together, communicating natural capital evidence and promoting natural capital solutions in the wider society.
Our speakers and panellists
The programme kicks off with opening plenaries on both days. We also have a speed talk session on the first day, as well as as a closing panel to round up the summit on the second day.
Our esteemed speakers include Ian Boyd (Defra), Kathy Willis (University of Oxford), Ben Combes (PwC), Melanie Austen (Plymouth Marine Laboratory), Tim Sunderland (Natural England) and Becca Lovell (European Centre for Environment and Human Health).
We are delighted to welcome Mark Rounsevell (IPBES), Bridget Emmett (Centre for Ecology and Hydrology), Mark Gough (Natural Capital Coalition) and a representative from Young Scot to our closing panel. Read more about our speakers and panellists
Please come back for more information about the speed talks soon.
Parallel sessions
We are running parallel sessions on both days around our summit themes. Here is a list of our sessions by theme:
- Pioneering natural capital approaches in the marine environment
Hosted by Aisling Lannin, Marine Management Organisation - Applying the natural capital concept at national and UK scales; from monitoring to valuation
Hosted by Tom McKenna, Scottish Natural Heritage and Lisa Norton, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology/UKEOF - Delivering Biodiversity AND Environmental Net Gain using the natural capital approach – Practical implementation
Hosted by Martina Girvan, Arcadis & Jenny Merriman, WSP - AI for the environment (tbc.)
- Valuing nature beyond economics: structures for sustainability
Hosted by Richard Gunton, University of Winchester - Combining Forces on Natural Capital
Hosted by Richard Spencer, ICAEW and Mark Gough, Natural Capital Coalition
- How do we quantify the benefits to health of the natural environment?
Hosted by Sari Kovats, London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, in collaboration with Dan Osborn, UCL - It’s not fair: reducing urban health inequalities through better management of natural capital
Hosted by Ruth Waters and Dave Stone, Natural England - Valuing Nature – what works? What have we learned from the Valuing Nature Programme about working across disciplines and with decision makers?
Hosted by Anita Weatherby, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology / Valuing Nature Network
- (How) can marine protected areas deliver both conservation and socio-economic benefits? Successful governance strategies and key factors
Hosted by Daniela Russi, IEEP - Marine natural capital accounts
Hosted by Vicky Morgan, JNCC
- Applying a natural capital approach locally and regionally in the UK
Hosted by Alison Holt, Natural Capital Solutions and Bruce Howard, Ecosystem Knowledge Network - Integrated natural capital approaches for land managers
Hosted by Paola Ovando Pol, The James Hutton Institute - Implementing “Wholescapes” guidance; challenges and opportunities to reconnect policyand peoplefrom land to sea
Hosted by Edward Maltby, University of Liverpool and Mike Acreman, Centre for Ecology and Hydrology
We will also be running a theatre workshop on communicating the value of nature: Nature in Action by Bond Ambition (supported by eftec).
We are currently working on the full programme, looking forward to announcing the session schedule and speed talks soon.
We are calling for posters on natural capital science and solutions. Please read our guidelines here and submit your proposal to by the early bird deadline (28th February 2019).
For more information, please contact