The Valuing Nature Network project – Valuing Peatlands – has published a briefing note on ‘Catchment management using payments for ecosystem services to restore and maintain upland peat‘. The briefing note indicates that the majority of payment for ecosystem services schemes (PES) in the UK have focussed on improving drinking water, often with the involvement of the water companies. However, the note suggests that (PES) schemes could also be used to contribute to wider improvements to meet the EU Water Framework Directive and restore and maintain upland peat.
The note makes 5 recommendations to put this into practice:
- Better collaboration: between policy makers, land managers, farmers, researchers, citizens, local authorities and land managers
- Values: a better understanding of how ecosystem services are valued by people.
- Funding: creative and integrated thinking on who should fund the schemes.
- Evidence: Longer term research and monitoring is needed.
- Guidance: flexible not prescriptive guidance is needed to implement PES schemes across the UK.