Following on from the Ecologists and Economists Sustainable Agriculture Workshop in May 2012, the Natural Capital Initiative (NCI) and Agricultural Economics Society (AES) are convening a discussion meeting on “Delivering Sustainable Agriculture in the UK” to be held at the University of Birmingham, this coming Wednesday 19 December.
The meeting will explore different economic and ecological approaches for meeting the challenge of achieving sustainability in agriculture. Speakers at the meeting include:
Professor Nick Hanley (Environmental Economics, University of Stirling),
Professor Andrew Balmford FRS (Conservation Biology, University of Cambridge)
Professor Frank Watzold (Environmental Economics, Brandenburgische Technische Universitat, Cottbus)
Dr Line Gordon (Natural Resource Management, Stockholm Resilience Centre)
Professor Salvatore di Falco (Environmental Economics, University of Geneva)
Professor E.J. Milner-Gulland (Conservation Science, Imperial College)
A copy of the programme can be viewed here, and conference information including travel and access can be viewed here.
The meeting will be held at the University of Birmingham, Edgebaston Campus, from 09.00 – 13.30h on Wednesday 19 December, and is followed by a buffet lunch. The meeting is one of the Thematic Topics of the British Ecological Society Annual Meeting.
Participants can resister at the BES Registration Desk in the Avon Room, Edgbaston Campus, Birmingham University (open 19th December from 08.00 – 19.00. The cost of Day Registration is: £100 BES Members, £50 BES Student Members, £150 Non-Members.