What difference is an emphasis on valuation making to the practical conservation of biodiversity and landscape management in the UK? How is valuation affecting business decisions and consumer choices? Is there the scientific evidence base to underpin these developments? Finally, is it moral to put a price on nature at all? These are the questions addressed by this evening discussion and networking event hosted by the British Ecological Society and the Royal Geographical Society (with IBG). The event was chaired by Fred Pearce from the New Scientist with panellists Professor Rosemary Hails MBE, Centre for Ecology & Hydrology, Member of the Natural Capital Committee, and Chair of the Natural Capital Initiative; Dr Tom Crompton, Change Strategist, WWF-UK; and Professor Sarah Whatmore FRGS, Professor of Environment and Public Policy, Head of the School of Geography and the Environment, Oxford University.
An audio recording of the event can be found here:https://soundcloud.com/britishecologicalsociety/valuing-nature-18-june-2013