Valuing our life support systems – Workshop 3:

Sustainable use of the marine environment

To progress towards achieving the UK’s target for renewable energy production,the Government supports the development of offshore renewable energy schemes. This must be balanced by the need to create Marine Protection Zones. The Marine Bill is expected to address how disparate stakeholders can work together more effectively. European Directives also provide a framework for delivery. However, more work needs to be done to ensure that environmental, social and economic interests are given equal consideration.

This workshop will look at the challenges and opportunities posed by offshore renewable energy. It will assess whether the marine environment is overexploited or under utilised as well as what value we give to different ecosystem goods and services. These ecosystem goods and services may not just be monetary, but also of historical or legacy importance as well as being essential for future generations.


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08.30amRegistration and coffee
09.00amOpening remarksWorkshop chair: Professor John Shepherd, National Oceanography Centre, University of Southampton
09.05amThe Marine Bill: a policy perspectiveJohn Clorley, Head of Defra Marine Biodiversity TeamNCI-pptIcon
09.25amOffshore renewable energy: a business perspectiveGero Vella, Renewable Energy Systems Ltd & Centrica Energy.NCI-pptIcon
09.45amValuing marine ecosystems: experience from the EU and R&DDr Melanie Austen, Head of Science: Biodiversity and Ecosystem Function, Plymouth Marine Lab.NCI-pptIcon
10.05amPanel discussion and Q&A
10.20amCoffee break
10.40amFacilitated breakout groups to discuss issues and develop recommendations
12.10pmReport back from breakout groups
12.40pmClosing remarksProf Paul Leonard, Committee Member,
Natural Capital Initiative.
12.45pmLunch and Networking