NCI Dialogue: Natural capital without boundaries: integrating the management of catchments, coast and the sea through partnerships

12th October 2015
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford

This dialogue session brought together 30 experts from academia, policy,  statutory agencies and business to share knowledge how partnership approaches can lead to better management of our natural capital in water ecosystems. The aim of the Dialogue was to identify key priorities for future actions for an integrated management from freshwaters and the land to the marine environment and how achieve these may be achieved.

Hosted by Prof Mike Acreman (Science Area Lead, Natural Capital, CEH) and Prof Ed Maltby (NCI Steering Group, University of Liverpool)


  • Professor Mike Acreman, Natural Capital Initiative and Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
  • Professor Edward Maltby, Natural Capital Initiative Steering Group and University of Liverpool
  • Ashley Holt, Defra
  • Paul Bryson, Environment Agency
  • Lewis Jones, South West Water
  • Alistair Maltby, The Rivers Trust
  • Caroline Salthouse, Coastal Partnerships Network
  • Natasha Barker-Bradshaw, WWF UK

Read a summary of the Dialogue on our blog.


A summary of the findings of this Dialogue and recommendations on how improving integration of natural capital across boundaries is now available.

A key recommendation from the workshop was to establish a working group to produce guidance on better integration of management of natural capital in catchment, coasts and the seas through partnership. This working  group was convened by Prof. Mike Acreman and Prof. Ed Maltby.

Working Group members:
Professor Mike Acreman: Natural Capital Initiative and Centre for Ecology & Hydrology
Professor Edward Maltby: Natural Capital Initiative Steering Group and University of Liverpool
Paul Bryson: Environment Agency
Alistair Maltby: The Rivers Trust
Natasha Barker-Bradshaw: University of the West of England

Additional participants to the workshop agreed to provide comment on drafts of the guidance as it is developed. If you would like to input to this work, please contact