Towards no net loss, and beyond – Workshop 3:

Designing a system to offset for the residual impacts of terrestrial development on ecosystem service provision

Charles Darwin House, London. 7 December 2010.

The third ‘Towards no net loss, and beyond’ workshop brought together 35 representatives of the public policy, conservation, and business communities to assess the potential to offset for ecosystem services alongside biodiversity.

Questions addressed by the workshop included:

  • To what extent could the use of biodiversity offsetting provide compensation for ecosystem service loss?
  • How could optimal systems to offset for ecosystem service provision be designed and implemented?

Event documentation

Summary report for policy makers: Designing a system to offset for the residual impacts of terrestrial development on ecosystem service provision (320 KB pdf)

Case studies: 3 fictitious case studies to stimulate discussion (255 KB pdf)

Briefing note (254 KB pdf)


Note that presentations are for viewing on the website and may not be copied or circulated. The authors and/or their employers retain copyright.


Task and Finish group start-up

  • Framing the question to be addressed
    Task and Finish group facilitators

Task and Finish group briefing talks

Task and Finish group start-up

  • Group working (continue in the same groups as in the morning).
    Task and Finish group facilitators

Task and Finish group start-up

  • Plenary feedback – structured report back
    Task and Finish group facilitators
  • Chair’s summary and close Penny Anderson

Financial support

Workshops 2 and 3 were supported by the Connect A funding scheme of the Natural Environment Research Council.