On Monday 26th November in a meeting at the Royal Society, the Natural Capital Committee announced their work streams, including the production of an annual State of Natural Capital Report, the first of which would be published in February 2013. This report will provide information for the Economic Affairs Committee (chaired by the Chancellor of the Exchequer) on the status of natural capital in England. The State of natural Capital Report, which will be a non-comprehensive pilot report, is set to establish:
- What natural capital assets there are and which of these are the most important to human wellbeing and the economy
- Which natural capital assets are being exploited unsustainably
- How to best integrate information on natural capital into national accounts, working with Defra and the Office of National Statistics to develop the relevant acounting mechanisms and indicators. In addition they will work with businesses (including land owners and managers) to explore the development of corporate natural capital accounting; and,
- Advice for academics and Research Councils to identify research priorities that will improve future advice on managing natural assets
To read more click here, or visit the Natural Capital Committee website.